







Emai l xcr0603@163.com


邮 编:211815


1998.09- 2002.07 长江大学/数学系/数学与应用数学专业/理学学士

2005.03 -2007.12 华中师范大学/数学与统计学院/应用数学专业/理学硕士

2014.07-2014.08 新加坡义安理工学院/教育厅进修计划


2002.08---2015.08 汉江师范学院/数学与财经系/教师

2015.09 ---至 今 南京审计大学/数学学院/教师


1、江苏省金融工程重点实验室开放课题,基于动力学理论的金融数据建模与风险控制,编号NSK2021-09. (主持)

2、江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目,动态随机神经动力网络的有限时间稳定性与自适应同步,编号19KJB120007. (主持)

3、湖北省教育厅青年科研项目,鞅理论下的随机复杂网络渐近同步,编号Q20145001. (主持)

4、国家自然科学基金面上项目,随机多层动态网络的有限时间稳定性分析与优化控制, 编号62176127. (参与)

5、国家自然科学基金面上项目, 非线性时间序列的动力系统表征、分析与控制,编号61673221. (参与)

6、教育部人文社会科学项目,基于随机扰动的经济、金融复杂系统动力学演化机理和风险控制研究,编号14YJCZH173. (参与)


1、南京审计大学一流专业(经济统计、金融数学)建设专项课题, 基于数学建模视角的金融数学专业本科毕业论文教学改革与研究,编号2021JG088. (主持)


[1] Chengrong Xie, Y. Xing, Q. Xia, D. Tong, Y. Xu, Finite-time synchronization of complex dynamical networks with nondelayed and delayed coupling by continuous function controller, Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc.,Volume 2020, Article ID 4171585 (1-7). (SCI 期刊论文)

[2] Chengrong Xie, J. Wang, Y. Xing, K. Tao, Y. Xu,Finite-time quasi-synchronization time-delay multilayer networks, 2020 International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems (ICCSS) , 2020, July 344-347.(EI检索)

[3] Chengrong Xie, Yuning Wu, Shunqiang Yu, Guoqiao You, Yuhua Xu, Fixed-time synchronization of time-varying delayed stochastic neural network and its application to secure communication, 38th Chinese Control Conference, (CCC 2019), Guangzhou, China, 2019, July 27-30. (EI检索)

[4] Y. Xu, D. Meng, Chengrong Xie(通讯作者), G. You, W. Zhou, A class of fast fixed-time synchronization control for the delayed neural network, J. Franklin Inst., 2018, 355 (1): 164-176. (SCI 期刊论文)

[5] Y. Xu, Z. Ke, W. Zhou, Chengrong Xie(通讯作者), Dynamic evolution analysis of stock price fluctuation and its control, Complexity, 2018, Art. ID 5728090, 9 pages. (SCI 期刊论文)

[6] Y. Xu, W. Zhou, H. Lu, Chengrong Xie(通讯作者), Dongbing Tong, Adaptive finite-time synchronization of neutral type dynamical network with double derivative coupling, Neural Process Lett., 2018,48:1175-1186.. (SCI 期刊论文)

[7] Y. Xu, W. Zhou, Chengrong Xie(通讯作者), Bounded scaling function projective synchronization of chaotic systems with adaptive finite-time control, Circuits Syst. Signal Process, 2018, 37: 3353-3363. (SCI 期刊论文)

[8] Y. Xu, Chengrong Xie(通讯作者), Yuling Wang, Wuneng Zhou, Jian’an Fang, Chaos projective synchronization of the chaotic finance system with parameter switching perturbation and input time-varying delay, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 2015, 38: 4279-4288. (SCI 期刊论文)

[9] Chengrong Xie, Y. Xu, S. Meng, A. Dai, Distributed consensus of multi-agent systems using distributed time delayed protocols, Optik, 2015, 126 (23): 3901-3905. (SCI 期刊论文)

[10] Chengrong Xie, Y. Xu, D. Tong, Chaos synchronization of financial chaotic system with external perturbation, Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc., 2015, Art. ID 731376 (1-7). (SCI 期刊论文)

[11] Y. Xu, Chengrong Xie(通讯作者), Q. Xia, A kind of binary scaling function projective lag synchronization of chaotic systems with stochastic perturbation, Nonlinear Dyn., 2014, 77 (3): 891-897. (SCI 期刊论文)

[12] Chengrong Xie, Y. Xu, D. Tong, Synchronization of time varying delayed complex networks via impulsive control, Optik, 2014, 125 (125): 3781-3787. (SCI 期刊论文)

[13] Chengrong Xie, Y. Xu, D. Tong, Mean square synchronization of stochastic nonlinear delayed coupled complex networks, Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc., 2013, Art. ID 914140 (1-10). (SCI 期刊论文)

[14] Chengrong Xie, Y. Xu, Chaos control and synchronization of a new chaotic system, 2010 International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications, pp: 43-47, Kunming, Yunnan, P.R. China, 2010.10. 29-10.31. (EI检索)

[15] Chengrong Xie, Y. Xu, Adaptive hybrid function projective synchronization for two different chaotic system with uncertain parameters, Third International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology and Security Informatics, pp: 12-16, Jinggangshan, P.R. China, 2010.4.2-4.4. (EI检索)







1. 徐玉华、谢承蓉,等著,《混沌系统的分析、同步及在经济中的应用》,科学出版社,2020